It has happened to all of us at least once. That dreaded message: "Your login is incorrect, please try again." That's right, you've forgotten your password once again!
Was it your first name and the last three digits of your street address? Your pet's name when you were a child? Your mother's maiden name spelled backwards?
Security experts tell you to come up with 'strong' passwords and to not repeat them. That's great advice, but sometimes it's impractical -- and hard as heck to remember.
Well, here are some other common password problems. . . and some advice on how to solve them:
* You use the same password for all of the sites you log into.
Uh Oh. Using the same password opens up your whole online life -- from your reunion website to your shopping cart to your bank account -- the moment someone discovers just one of your passwords. Never do this. It's a very quick path to big trouble.
* You log into dozens of websites a day, and spend upwards of 30 minutes a day on login screens.
This is a real problem for me, too. I log into websites well over 80 to 90 times a day -- and some sites I log into several times a day. It's a real time waster. One solution is to try to keep multiple browser windows open with your logged-in sites, but many websites expire automatically so you can't do this very long.
* You work at Internet Cafe's and other public WiFi hotspots.
Be careful. Never let anyone watch you log-in. . .especially at a public place. If you ever log-in in a public place, watch the people who are watching you log-in. They may be watching you type, and recording your user names and passwords as you type them. It's not a password, but your credit card information is just as spy-able.
* Your passwords are weak.
Do you use plain words, your first name, the digits 1234, the same number over and over again, numbers from your address, or other easily-knowable or easily guessable words and numbers in your passwords? It's not a problem, until you get hacked just once. Then you feel incredibly vulnerable, like nothing is secret any more.
About two years ago, I confronted all of these problems head on. I found a program that made my online life much simpler: Roboform
* Roboform memorizes all of your passwords and logs you in automatically to any website you want. Just pick from your list, and boom, you're in.
* Roboform keeps your passwords 100% secure and encrypted on your computer.
* Roboform will remember and enter your credit card info for you (and keep it safe from prying eyes, too).
* Roboform can create strong passwords for you, automatically, to keep your data safe.
I use Roboform every day and I recommend it wholeheartedly.You can even get a free trial for Roboform at
One more thing...Roboform even backs up your passwords for you. It can move them from one computer to another (with your permission only, of course) and will keep it all private in case someone tries to access your computer without authorization.
Those are two of the great benefits over letting your browser memorize your passwords for you. Anyone who sits down at your computer can log into your sites. But not if you're using Roboform.
Don't leave yourself open to identity theft or hacking any longer. Roboform will make your online life simpler and most importantly, safer.
Downloading and installing Roboform takes just minutes. Go do it now.
This article is by Mark Widawer. Mr. Widawer authored THE book on designing effective Landing Pages, the Landing Page Cash Machine", which shows you not only how to convert more of your site's visitors into buyers, but also shows you what makes an Internet business really work. Find out more
RoboForm Ver 6.9.92
Download RoboForm for Desktop or Laptop
RoboForm2Go Ver 6.9.92
Download RoboForm2Go for non-U3 Drives
Download RoboForm2Go for U3 Drives
RoboForm for Mobile Phones and PDAs
Download RoboForm for Windows Mobile
Download RoboForm for Palm
Download RoboForm for Symbian
Download RoboForm for Blackberry
Note: We recommend GoodSync goodsync v. software to sync files between your desktop and Windows Mobile phone or PDA.
You can install RoboForm for Windows Mobile through Vista desktop with Windows Mobile Device Center.
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